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Clauda Sartor

Keynote Speaker
South Africa

Claudia, began her professional career as an attorney of law and with time she explored the world of mental health and has been a global mental health advocacy leader since 2017. Her passion for mental health was inspired by her personal experience living with anxiety and OCD. After undergoing treatment, Claudia chose to pursue a career in Psychology. She works part-time as a registered wellness counsellor in South Africa. She is the Deputy Chief Executive Officer of the Global Mental Health Peer Network (“GMHPN”).  She is GMHPN’s co-ordinator and facilitator for youth collaboration with other mental health organisations. Her work is also focused on providing workplace mental health services to businesses, locally and globally.   

She has co-authored a paper titled “Perspectives: persons with lived experience with mental health conditions in service delivery, development, and leadership” which was published online on 12 May 2021 by Cambridge University Press.  She has also written many blogs, the latest one titled From struggle to STRENGTH: the power of lived experience for Channel Kindness – a digital platform associated with Lady Gaga’s Born This Way Foundation).